
POSTED ON Sunday, June 11, 2017 - 19:04

The other part of art making is displaying and installing the work. One can leave this to a framing expert but sometimes it's not a frame that the work needs.

I'm doing some design and construction for a wooden cleat to install a larger work. I also need that hardware to enable a tight fit of two panels at the seam.

This method takes some careful finishing.

I just realized that my C clamps don't fit so I'm off to purchase a couple wood clamps for gluing and a steady hand to drill small pin holes. Then I will be on my way to do the install.

My work table looks like this
POSTED ON Saturday, June 10, 2017 - 11:15

Over the past month I have been working on drawings made with markers. I'm happy have to found paint markers that I enjoy using for drawing. This past week I began experimenting with some lines and marks that I had found to be successful while making a series of studies. 

The first image is little patterns on paper. The second image is of the first two small drawings. These are the first of the blues. 

Two mark and color tests for studies.
POSTED ON Saturday, May 27, 2017 - 17:59

I've started making some new walnut missives drawings. Here I am deciding on pairs. Looks like I'm going to need a few more drawings to get good pairs.

Then I'm off to have them photographed.

Opening up that pot of ink again.

walnut missives by stella untalan
POSTED ON Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:26

I've been working on some studies for something much larger recently.

I seldom make more than a simple line drawing to indicate my process for making any work in progress. But the scale of the final drawings and the number I would like to make in this series asked for some testing of hues and marks.

It's wonderful to be able to make these studies anywhere I can carry my pens and small paper pad.

Four details of recent drawings by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Thursday, March 23, 2017 - 14:28

I spent some time getting back to drawing my microweave pieces. These are each about 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 inches square. I'll be looking through them to see which really have a unique feel. Loving my Stablio pens, planning on extending the colors in my pencil case.

I currently have a dozen.

They each take patience and being in a very restful state.

Micoweave drawing by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 17:23

I've been drawing these couples, duos, fraternal twins for a while now. There is something intriguing and comforting about their juxtoposition. I'm working on a whole series of twins to see where they go.

Join me on the journey. Look for more posts.

sketchbook experiments by Stella Untalan. Color backgrounds with lines
POSTED ON Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 20:11

Every girl needs her Super Hero friends. These are a few of mine. Great time at MASS MoCA  Got to see NICK CAVE, UNTILELIZABETH KING, RADICAL SMALL, 


MASS MoCA League
POSTED ON Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 15:40

I took this iPhone pic of Artist Brian Dennis paying homage to Sol Lewitt who captured a nugget of the drawing on his iPhone.

Brian Dennis, Sol Lewitt
POSTED ON Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 22:34

So many sketchbooks, so little time.

I've begun attacking these books I've been given with seriousness. Surprisingly I have been making drawings everyday in my Strathmore watercolor sketchbook. The sketchbook is half full. These two drawings are made with Inkrense pencils and gel pens.

These are great materials for making drawings on the go. I'm excited about these new experiments.

I'm also looking forward to taking these materials in my go bag on a trip into the mountains this weekend. I'm imagining the drawings will be very different in the below freezing mountains.

drawing by Stella Untalan using intense pencils and gel pens
POSTED ON Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - 19:01

Being in the Woods unites Stella Untalan‘s ink drawings and Brian David Dennis‘ large cardboard construction titled, [bar], in a meta-magical art installation vibrating with the rhythms of the universe and nature. Minimalist drawings using walnut ink and a nib are serenely precise and flow with life energy. The repetition and hand/mind control pulses across the sheen of the paper like heart beats, the measure of time is palpable and flowing.

Stella Untalan drawings in Being in the Woods with sculpture by Brian Dennis
