
drawing a day 06272012

Green is often very difficult to work with —how the color can dominate my perseption. I don’t often work with greens of lighter value or a pure secondary color.
Somehow these green dots worked perfectly. They add an energy that is singular to that color even in a familiar shape.
This drawing reminds me of things I pick up on walks through the woods or wilder parks. I ofen use those objects to remindme of the energy of the living place they came from.

drawing a day 06262012

This drawing is all about energetic scribbling. Drawing with abandon. Marks layer after layer after layer.
The app however lets me create marks on top of other marks without distruction to the marks below. That’s like me using a spray fix or medium that does not break down if it has dried when the same medium is placed over.
I really enjoyed making this one.
I just wanted to scratch the surface with hue after hue.

drawing a day 06242012

Everything in this drawing is about layering. Using many mark-making tools in this piece. Crazy tight balls of wire, stamped transparent marks, and circles which I love on the iPhone. A bit of scribbling and I feel like I’ve drawn a big ball of lint.

drawing a day 06232012

I wanted to get back to dragging a color accross space as if I had a piece of pastel in my hand.
Working with the same kind of emergent shapes as some of the earlier line drawings; only this time creating more mass.
Love this shape and I’m going to experiemnt more with it.


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