POSTED ON Saturday, November 26, 2016 - 11:38
Just before POST I installed a new shelf over one of my workbench. I have two lights to suspend from the bottom to better light the area. This will be great with the winter coming on and it getting dark so early.
It's a great finishing space. Smooth clean hard surface.
Above I will be able to display some interesting objects.
POSTED ON Saturday, November 26, 2016 - 11:33
I have eight pieces in a private show coming up. I have two egyptian waters drawings, this is one a buffed up and ready to go. The exhibition is by invitation only.
The written image.
A private exhibition featuring seven contemporary artists who engage the aesthetics, processes, and symbolic codes of communication.
Opening reception
Friday, December 2, 6 - 9 pm
POSTED ON Saturday, November 5, 2016 - 21:07
In this exhibition Marguerita Hagan's single-cell beings of Le Mer dance with the depth measuring of Stella Untalan's Soundings drawings. In the depths Stella measures these creatures are lively and magical contributing to the circle of life on our planet. The exhibition can be seen by appointment.
Soundings by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Friday, November 4, 2016 - 10:31
I'm really excited to share this exhibition that is currently at @HBHQ. Really thrilled to be showing my work with Margareta. Her work is brilliant. I hope you get a chance to see our little show.
In this exhibition Marguerita Hagan's single-cell beings of Le Mer dance with the depth measuring of Stella Untalan's Soundings drawings. In the depths Stella measures these creatures are lively and magical contributing to the circle of life on our planet.
POSTED ON Friday, November 4, 2016 - 10:14
Three of my Egyptian Waters drawings. Looking at some minor moisture damage. I have to test a blank sheet to see if I can make a repair. I want to get these framed for an upcoming show. Only a little wrinkle.
POSTED ON Friday, October 28, 2016 - 11:02
It's always a team effort to install my fifteen foot drawing. Here's a few pics of Brian Dennis using his considerable skills. We worked out a plan and now the drawing looks very happy at Marguerita Hagan and Pierre Trombert's studio.
I'm looking for possibilities to install it somewhere or at least for an extended period of time.
I would love this piece to have a permanent home. Ya interested?
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 17:13
A City of Artists: Celebrating the Philadelphia Open Studio Tours, showcases the diversity of Philadelphia neighborhoods represented during POST. The show acts as a cross-section of the Philadelphia arts community and provides a taste of the work you may find out on the tours.
Friday, October 21 at 5 PM - 7 PM
October 11 - December 2, 2016
Monday through friday 10 – 4
POSTED ON Friday, September 30, 2016 - 12:35
A gift to me. Sad that my favorite art supply store is gone.
POSTED ON Friday, September 30, 2016 - 12:21
For my most recent exchibition I created a series of drawings that are driven not by results but by process. Each of these drawings is made using the same ink, the same pen, the same unrelenting process. The results reveal themselves to be reminders of her meandering walks and joyful runs in the woods. The straight trunks making blurred lines that suggest motion, space, and time — a DNA image of being in the woods.
POSTED ON Monday, September 26, 2016 - 21:04
I'll have my studio open for Philadelphia Open Studio Tours again this year. I'll have small artist books, my 366 iPhone project catalog, and new drawings. Many of these drawings will be available for purchase. Check out other posts in my journal to see what I have been working on recently. I look forward to greating you.
East of Broad Street
October 22 & 23
12 - 6 pm