
POSTED ON Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 10:35

main line arts center : works on paper

I'm pleased to tell you that one of my drawings has been selected
for Main Line Art Center : Works on Paper juried exhibition along
with more than 25 other artists. I've previewed the work and am
very excited to be included in a show with so many excellent works.

The selected drawing privy path is from a series of plein air
works in my Rare Earth Series.

I hope you will join me at the reception on friday June 1st.

stella gassaway : rare earth 

Works on Paper

May 18-June 8

POSTED ON Friday, April 27, 2007 - 12:30

cover rare earth 2006

This is the cover of a small booklet rare earth : late summer.

It contains a collection of drawings that are plein air works; drawn outdoors representing a direct response to the scene in front of the artist. These drawings are notations of my experience which, when revisited, inspire a new series of drawings influenced by memory.

POSTED ON Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 16:26

studio ready for visitors

My studio ready for visitors in December of 2006.

POSTED ON Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 15:23

my new udiost

This is my new studio space. I'm measuring and making a floorplan while margaret is catching a couple of z's. I began moving things in in January of 2005.

sherman mills
