I find it difficult to throw things away that I have a feeling will be come art some day. On occasion that has created a bit of a storage problem. Recently I had to make the decision about putting a few design annuals on the street for give away or or carry the 30+ pounds up three flights to my studio.
[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Roseburg,+OR... width=350 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]The
drawings were here at 4 am.
[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Spokane,+WA&... width=350 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]
Finally after numerous conversations with suppliers and fabricators — thank you all — I was able to frame the five selected drawings for Songlines.
I carried the framed drawings to our local UPS Store and the staff protected them.
Happy to get some time in the studio again this weekend. It was al because of my hard ware not arriving for my framing for Oregon in Songlines. More about that in another post. It was a bit difficult to get focused while all I could think about was framing and shipping and my little book if I can get that ready too,
I have completed the second series of egyptian waters. The first series point of reference was the shoreline. These new drawings series two come from the area beyond swimmers.
I have tentative titles for the ten drawings 5 of which will go to Oregon for Art in the Information Age in opening in September.
waiting for a wave
northern breeze
early tides
high tide
nearer the shoreline
quiet moonlight
stay in the boat [tentative]
The Egyptian waters series is one of the few situations where I am seated when I draw. They require an immaculately clean space to work in. The pens require enough ink to complete the drawing without any waste. It is drawing of an exacting posture and state of mind.
It takes a considerable amount of time to prepare the area where I will draw. The table is emptied of everything, every tool and scrap of paper. The table is wiped down three times and the tools are cleaned. Then the paper is laid and the simple grid is drawn in pencil.
I was watching my twitter stream this week and saw a post about Artist and @Platea founder An Xiao heading to Art Center College of Design in Pasadena from NYC. The tweet was humorous and I tweeted to An wishing her a safe journey... A joke response. She smiled. Then another post... I direct tweeted @joanie_s_c who asked me if I wanted to play too. Play? Of course I wanted to play. That lead me to being part of this live no rules twitter performance.
I rediscovered the image of this drawing while archiving some files. But finding the actual drawing has been a bit of a challenge. I was thinking of revisiting some of these processes... especially for the larger drawings. Scaling some of the vocabulary to 4 times the size.
Thinking about how to make the tools to make these large marks. Photos of tool making next week. Looking at industrial felt. Many sketches of these ideas. Now to try them.
It was 9 am and already 82° when I headed out to my studio sunday morning. It's a two mile walk or so. I usually break it up with a stop for a cup of coffee or breakfast on the way.
This sunday Margaret walked with me to Philadelphia Java Company. We had coffee, tea, and some breakfast buns and I ordered a sandwich for lunch. It was a refreshing stop — I headed the rest of the way to my studio alone. The sun was beating down on South Philly a place bereft of trees and almost impossible to find a sliver of shade.