
POSTED ON Thursday, February 11, 2010 - 13:42

A white day full of muffled sounds. Almost everything a whisper.

The snow is still falling and the sky is the same strange yellow as last night. Perfect symmetry 12 hours later. It has been a night and day of quiet observation. An occasional muffled voice heard with the crunch of boots on newly fallen snow. It is a joy to be so quiet on the inside too.

POSTED ON Monday, February 8, 2010 - 12:08

The snows have been keeping me from the studio. But I'm going no matter what end of this week. This is a detail of one of the drawings waiting for me. And there are several others just aching to get out.The paper is already torn and ready to go.

This is a smaller series on Rives BFK. The surface loves the graphite and hangs on to just enough pastel.

POSTED ON Saturday, January 16, 2010 - 05:59

I've been back to working on these drawings. They are a spring place that I hold in my head. I have imagined them blooming by April. Then again the rhythm of the seasons has been disturbed on this crazy planet so I'm not really sure what will take place. I do know that the days are getting longer. That makes the possibility for growth in all living things.

Today I'm in the studio early and they are my world.

POSTED ON Saturday, January 9, 2010 - 19:30

I'm thrilled to announce my show of drawings that has opened at Heavybubble Gallery : 1622.
I haven't shown the larger drawings in this show before. It's great to be able to hang them without frames. You can really see the surface of the drawings. Hope you'll stop by and see the show.

POSTED ON Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - 22:30

Everything is about following.
Are you following me?

I was intrigued by the { following 2.0 } project at many levels. Not the least of which was my twitter handle : stellth. Stellth is one side of me. Stellth is a silent observer, an investigator, a documenter. Stellth is unseen.

Being an observer is essential to stimulating the imagination. Observation and imagination were key to my process in this piece.

POSTED ON Monday, December 14, 2009 - 08:49

Spent a good deal of saturday working on the studio. The configuration is so different from the last space that it is taking time to get to know it. Lots of new drawers and surfaces to store and complete work that I have to figure out what's best for what.

Still trying to figure out how to get the bikes out of the way. I think I have an idea how to hang one and make it work.

POSTED ON Sunday, December 6, 2009 - 12:20

When the winter comes the long hours of darkness bring an additional chill. Each winter my drawings look for the light. Drawing that embrace the chill. Each year I toy with the idea of creating illuminated drawings.

This year I have begun seriously making some three dimensional models to determine what kind of papers I'll need to sustain the shapes that I want. What translucency sheets provide for particular lighting options.

My goal is to fill a space with these lanterns of a kind that a scribed and marked with a vocabulary of inked marks and scratches.

POSTED ON Saturday, December 5, 2009 - 11:48

This is one of a new series I'm working on. There are six drawings in all. I'm currently working on three.

These are the fruits of an all day session for thanksgiving. I was in the studio from 8:30 am until 7 pm. I am greatful for my fabulous studio and the time I have to make work there.

These are large drawings over 20 x 30 actual drawing space. These size take many all day sessions with periods of rest in between. It often takes me a month to finish one.

POSTED ON Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 19:07


POSTED ON Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 08:03

Been getting into the studio and spending time there. Just haven't really gotten going on the new drawings. I started a set of red ones and now I've had to put them aside. I don't have that kind of energy.

I've spent a good amount of time working to get the studio space ready to make work. Right now it's about camping out there and getting the space energized.
