POSTED ON Tuesday, November 1, 2022 - 22:44
I’m doing inventory of work in my studio that I haven’t had the opportunity to show over the past few years.
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 15:49
I'll be posting these in my partfolio as soon as I have all the pairs set.
20194x4-309 : Pinned
20194x4-310 : History
4x4 inch drawings
Original work on paper
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 15:46
I've made some pairs of drawings that I'll be making available at Open Studio. I'm also working on some trios. When they are available I'll mention them here with a link at the store.
20194x4-196 : Turned
20194x4-280 : Open Space
4x4 inch drawings
Original work on paper
POSTED ON Saturday, October 8, 2022 - 10:37
Open Studio postponed. I'm quarantined.
Join my mailing list for sale and schedule updates.
It’s almost three years since I have been in my studio with any consistency. I’ve been away from that creative space for months. I've been quiet on most public networks. I am reentering the world and dealing with things undone.
POSTED ON Monday, September 5, 2022 - 15:57
I'm happy to share this short video that gives you an idea of what my Foldable Dispatches books look like after they are printed, folded, and cut. This video is of the first book in the collection. DIGITAL INK.
POSTED ON Monday, July 18, 2022 - 15:07
I won’t be able to get back into the studio until July maybe August. I'm recovering from a procedure. Just getting up the stamina to walk and spend time there. In the meantime one of my pals/neighbors is using my space for a couple weeks. Luckily for me also giving me some money towards my rent. That is greatly appreciated. The pandemic and other life challenges have dented my savings.
POSTED ON Friday, May 13, 2022 - 17:26
This is my first zine in a series on fishing in honor of my dad. The attached image is a promo I’m using across social networks to get some interest in the newest addition to my Foldable Dispatches project.
POSTED ON Tuesday, March 29, 2022 - 13:26
My marker was fighting with me the whole way. It made some amazing lines and artifacts while trying to draw a simple line. Then I pressed and that blob happened. I ignored it and moved on.
POSTED ON Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 11:43
I always keep some folded sheets with me — some in my bag, drawing kits, and of course studio. I can make a book anytime. I had this sheet of orange Canson in my bag for months. I kept taking it out and then putting it away.
POSTED ON Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - 10:05
I’m excited to share the news of a grouping of Rondos acquired by one of my collectors.
I’ll be adding hanging cleats and a template for the proper hanging as a vertical piece. Still working toward names for each. I’ll document the process at Patreon and share it with my patrons.