
POSTED ON Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 15:14

I'm happy to say that my Give Me a Hand pins are going out to my VoxBox and Whole Ball of Wax patrons today. These pins feature one of the drawings from my 600 Drawings project.

If you want to switch your level to $12 or above you can get my occasional physical mailings and my 1 year anniversary gift. I'm working on creating new items to share with you on a more regular basis.

Thank you for supporting my work at any level.

Now back to packing.

give me a Hand pin for Patreon supporters
POSTED ON Sunday, March 14, 2021 - 19:53

One of the 8 new drawings in my soon to be available artist book / zine. My 2021 Project is a series of downloadable, foldable zines. During the month of February I made the drawings. Some freaky weather held up my time to scan them and put them into the layout for printing. You can find out more and follow my process step by step at my Patreon account.

Become a Patron at any level and get a book each time it’s ready. 

One of my newest drawings mapping the terrain
POSTED ON Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 11:30
I had the opportunity to test a new technology for some shaped pins this month. I really love enameled pins but they are a bit pricey.
Give me a Hand pin for Patreon supporters
POSTED ON Saturday, January 30, 2021 - 17:38

Today I made my first book available to patrons on Patreon. Each year I decide upon a project for the whole year. Sorta like a drawing-a-day. This year I decided to create artists books one each month. These fit on a single sheet of paper. 8.5 x 11 inches, letter-sized US.

I'm making the whole collection available for download as they are completed. I expect to have a collection of 12 books one each month.

The first book is a selection of digital drawings I made for my 2020 project called Digital Ink. This one includes a poster backside that can also be printed separately.

Foldable Dispatches : Book One, Digital Ink A small book by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 13:37

It's hard to believe but I've been in my studio for more than a decade. We did major work when I moved in to make the space clean and efficient for me to make work. I was lucky enough to have an air conditioner left from the previous tenant. It kept me cool for many a summer day. also managing the incredible humidity that Philadelphia offers.

Just before the pandemic stay-at-home order came down I tested the air conditioner and it groaned a sad groan — then it died.

studio construction 2020
POSTED ON Monday, January 18, 2021 - 12:08
I’ve begun work on my year-long 2021 project. 
Sat down this week to start work on the first book here’s a peek at my first thoughts in my studio journal.
2021 Project : artist books collection
POSTED ON Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - 12:18

This is art I bought from artist Selma Dronkers who also makes drawings. I finally reached my goal for #artistsupportpledge Her studio practice is in the Netherlands. I'm so happy to contribute to the effort that has stimulated a worldwide creative economy. This effort began to support artists and makers around the world who have had a very difficult time sustaining earning and maintaining their practices.

drawing by Selma Dronkers purchased through Artist Support Pledge
POSTED ON Saturday, December 26, 2020 - 12:12
I’ve been very busy end of year in my studio. Finally after all of the renovations that ran from February then stopped for on and off for a bit in March to September. (COVID) Finally finished in September. Not everything is back in place but my work area is absolutely awesome. I still have to move this bank of drawers but that won’t happen until March when I get my new air conditioner installed.   

The counter top is glass, an old deli case front. It weighs about 400 lbs. and is 9 ft long.

POSTED ON Tuesday, December 15, 2020 - 16:55
I’m excited to announce my year-long project for 2021 — a small single-sheet artist book/zine collection. This collection will be available to all patrons including the $3/month Studio Journal level. It’s like buying me a cup of coffee each month. If you join in January you will get the full set of twelve.

Inspired by numerous single sheet artist's books out in the universe, I have decided to make works that can be digitally shared with my patrons and collectors.

Buy me a cup of coffee each mont get an artists book.
POSTED ON Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 13:12

Sharing the work of Odili Donald Odita

I have always loved colorfield paintings, geometrics, and minimalism. I haven't even finished reading this article but wanted to share it because I find this work very interesting. Fresh even after all the work that has come before it. You'll have to follow the link since I'm not willing to use images without permission.


Here is a statement from the artist:
