
POSTED ON Monday, November 2, 2009 - 12:17

Four new works in progress. The first drawings in the new studio. Very close to finished. I needed to step away for a bit. Excited to be productive in the new space.

These are drawings on black paper. They started with a grid and a layer of colored pencil first. Many soft pastel marks. No erasing as usual - just obliteration. Not really sure where the red came from. I think the paper was really calling for the energy.

(I need to fix these links click and see them full size)

POSTED ON Sunday, October 18, 2009 - 07:25

Spent saturday with my pal photographing a body of work that was too big to scan. It's exciting to think about getting this work on the web. It's also cool to think about the whole process of documenting.

The time moves quickly when you have a really good photographer and you are prepared. Yet, you have the time to consider each piece you shoot and become familiar with it again.

POSTED ON Sunday, October 11, 2009 - 19:39

My studio is clean and quiet and looking forward to getting back to work. This is a shot looking in through my new doorway. I was just turning on all the lights and setting out some snacks. The event is a great way to get the studio in shape for some new work. I look to be back in there this week.

The work I selected to present was considered and quiet.

That's over.

Now to start some new drawings.

POSTED ON Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 17:26


Here's a shot at my new drawing space. I brought a new drawing board where I can mount papers and move the board around. It also has a smooth surface; that's very helpful.

I made small drawings and many sketches for new larger drawings I'm planning to do in the studio.

POSTED ON Tuesday, September 29, 2009 - 08:03

I’ve moved from East Falls to Bella Vista!
I’m excited to invite you to my new studio that truly has a vista. Come and celebrate my first open studio in my new neighborhood.

Join me and 22 other artists east of Broad Street!
My neighbors at 1241 : Katie Murken, Gretchen Diehl, and The Midwives Collective.

OCTOBER 3 -4, 2009

Saturday / Sunday 12:00 - 6:00 pm

POSTED ON Wednesday, September 9, 2009 - 00:35

Finally art is making its way onto the drawing walls! Five small drawings that I started work on and I have a sixth. They like the new space. In the right corner of the shot is Bramble Ramble recently show at 3rd Street Gallery.

I'm finding drawing supplies that will go with me on the trip to the woods. Now I can actually find my stuff. I expect to be ready for Open Studios. (A new post on that soon.) It's starting to feel and look like my studio. I'll be away for a bit. No new posts until I return from the cell and technology free zone.

POSTED ON Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 13:00

Answered the call to participate in this concept project. I've received my phrase and I'm working on my photographic expression. I hope you'll put this date on your calendar and will come support the collective. Let's hope I make it.

an exhibition presented by the Midwives Collective & Gallery
curated by members:
Christiana Kugel, Sarah Hunt, and Elizabeth Smith

One night only
Friday, October 9th, 2009 6-10 PM

Midwives Collective & Gallery, 1241 Carpenter St., 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19147.

POSTED ON Saturday, September 5, 2009 - 12:42
Excited to have one of my drawings selected for this juried show. My work was one of only a handful of abstract works. It was a glorious evening in West Chester. If you are out in that neck of the woods stop by and check out the show.
September 4 - October 2, 2009

Annual Chester County Arts Association Members Juried Exhibition

Allinson Gallery : Chester County Art Center
100 North Bradford Avenue | West Chester, PA 19382

POSTED ON Tuesday, September 1, 2009 - 07:00

Working madly to get my studio ready for POSt (Philadelphia Open Studio Tours). This is crazy since it's a whole new studio. I've been planning, painting, constructing for weeks. Finally. I have a rough and workable plan for the entrance to the space. I'll be reusing two doors from the old design studio.

POSTED ON Saturday, August 29, 2009 - 19:00

I love planning spaces. Especially ones that allow me to do my work in comfortable and efficient ways. Each new plan is an adjustment of my preferences. This shows the new position of my glass counter. It gives me my second drawing wall.
