
POSTED ON Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - 17:14

I'v edecided to work on a larger version of my Radical Warp series.

Let's see what drawing a vertical version is like. This is the start of a new drawing and a photo of my studio with work in progress. I get some studio time again tomorrow.

New drawings, orange by Stella Untalan.
POSTED ON Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 19:27

Working on two book simultaneously.

These are two of the books I am working on for RiTUAL Reading Room. I'm working on several ideas at once. The book on the left is about obliterating and revealing through repetitive mark-making, 

The second book is an expression of my measurement work. Each dip of the pen makes a new field of color on each page.

I'm still working on both of these. I'll know more as I draw. 

Books for RiTUAL Reading Room
POSTED ON Sunday, November 15, 2015 - 18:24

Spent another full day in the studio and was able to do some additional work on this panel of my long and short of it series. Each drawing is two panels.

This is the short panel. 

It's still not ready. But it's now pretty close. This photo was taken while the ink for the current set of marks was drying.

The short of it. Earth. by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Saturday, November 14, 2015 - 11:37

Thrilled to be invited to participate in this group show of artwork, 1 foot square or less, and under $400. Meet the Artists! Reception Friday, November 13, 5:30 - 8:30 pm

The show has been extended through February 9, 2016

Radical Warp Series 1-7 new orange drawings on basswood by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Thursday, November 12, 2015 - 13:52

Recently I got a call from artist Lesley Mitchell inviting me to participate in a small works show. I was excited I have lot's of small works, how easy. Sure I'm in. Alas, nothing I had framed an ready met the size criterial. I've been makinging larger work it seems. 

Getting the orange on
POSTED ON Sunday, November 1, 2015 - 07:58

I've been folding lots of paper into books for the upcoming RiTUAL Reading Room show. I've been pulling out found papers and papers I've saved. This will keep me open to possibities. I'm looking through drawers in my studio and pulling out sheets.

I have many ritials and I can make the actual act of making the books a ritual. Excited to investigate and think about by rituals. By thinking about my acts everyday and the act of making working I discover more of my personal rituals.

A selection of folded sheets for RiTUAL Book Show.
POSTED ON Thursday, October 29, 2015 - 17:35

All the panels have been gessoed for the second time. Now they will sit and dry thouroughly so I can sand them the next time I'm in the studio. Then I'll wipe them down and mount the watercolor paper. Meanwhile some folding. And I'll be framing a couple of those small drawings on the wall for a small works show.

panels prepped in my studio
POSTED ON Friday, October 23, 2015 - 17:30

Participating in Open Studios this year was harder than previous years. My energy was low and I had to call in help from my good friends and fellow artists. They did so much hard work for me and I am grateful.

One of the most helpful ways to show my work was my exhibition of 366 iPhone project in the public space @HBHQ. I was lucky to have a good amount of new work to show and decided to fill my worktable with finished drawings and works in progress.

I was also able to display my 366 iPhone catalog/book that was just published.

stella untalan open studio October 2015, POSTPHL
POSTED ON Friday, October 23, 2015 - 11:59

Starting the morning slowly, sipping coffee, planning for the day Wonderful morning sounds.

morning planning
POSTED ON Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 21:37

Time for some fine sandpaper a chamois.

Then the gesoo, then the sandpaper, and a brush. Dust away.

Then the gel, squeegee.

Paper and brayer.

Weights and wait.

