I was in the studio yesterday. Had a very productive first day of december. But, this is what it is like in Philadelphia today. This is a very good reason to be home blogging. I miss a fireplace. I've got some candles and incense burning to create an atmosphere that pushes away todays weather. I know that this is just the beginning. I'm looking for fluffy white stuff not pinging ice pellets.
POSTED ON Saturday, November 24, 2007 - 20:35
I'm not exactly sure when november came but I know its almost gone. I'm in my studio today working on two big drawings. Each is two sheets of paper. Total size 44" x 30". These drawings are on a warm gray sheet and the first layer is graphite, pencil, stick, and powder.
It's a scale change that in turn changes the kind of marks that I can make. Change is always welcome.
POSTED ON Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 06:39
POSTED ON Sunday, September 23, 2007 - 19:13
Happy Eqinox!
Been very busy submitting work for shows now that the cool weather is here. Also been framing a few pieces for entries.
POSTED ON Saturday, July 21, 2007 - 19:04
in the studio : I have been experimenting with making marks with ink recently. Trying to develop a new vocabulary with a set of different tools. These marks were made using ink on watercolor paper with several bamboo pens, found objects, and a plastic baster brush given to me by my friend and fellow artist Damini Celebre. My experiment here is testing how these marks, when cropped and confined to identical shapes could be assembled into a larger piece.
POSTED ON Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 15:23
This is my new studio space. I'm measuring and making a floorplan while margaret is catching a couple of z's. I began moving things in in January of 2005.