drawing a day 08312012 I’ve come back to the familiar figure 8. I like drawing that form. I like it even better when the form starts to take control of the drawing. This is a lovely little bundle of marks. It feels like the stuff you pull out of your pocket. Read more about drawing a day 08312012
drawing a day 08302012 Still experimenting with fewer of everything. I only used three different tools in this drawing. Loving creating different forms by bending or repeating a mark. I find these drawings relaxing and satisfying. Read more about drawing a day 08302012
drawing a day 08292012 Only two marks and three colors. What happens? Read more about drawing a day 08292012
drawing a day 08282012 Still only a few marks again. Quick thinking. Quick mark-making. These are experimenting in a new direction. Clear layering, only a few tools and few colors. Read more about drawing a day 08282012
drawing a day 08272012 Another drawing of large strong shapes. Trying to keep it simple. Read more about drawing a day 08272012
drawing a day 08262012 In this drawing I only used a few marks. I ecied it was time for a few big important marks. Read more about drawing a day 08262012
drawing a day 08252012 I pushed this drawing to have additional values. It’s not restful like I had hoped. But I love this blue and the fabric feeling is imortant in this as well as many of my drawings. Thread is a theme and an important gathering of marks. Read more about drawing a day 08252012
drawing a day 08242012 I’ve always loved blueprints. This drawing comes from that visual place. I loved making this and it feels so good to look at now after I have made it. The thinest lines make the blue vibrate. Read more about drawing a day 08242012
drawing a day 08232012 This is where what I’m doing in my studio came back to my drawing-a-day project. I have been punching holes in some paper lately and I decided to try it in a digital drawing. This drawing has a physical structure that is compact and singular. Read more about drawing a day 08232012
drawing a day 08222012 Fuzzy forms spinning next to each other. That’s all. Read more about drawing a day 08222012