being in the woods exhibition

I've begun making some drawing in the same influence as drawings I made for the grass is greener show. This drawing also resembles drawings I made in my iPhone drawing-a-day project.
This week I'll cut some more musum board to make more.
Many new experiments in several small sketchbooks these days. When I open sketchbooks I don't have any expectations when I draw. I'm looking to keep my hand moving and my brain away from concious decisions even more so than when I am in the studio with a goal to make a drawing.
I have many, many different sketchbook, They have different paper and they are different sizes. Sometimes I use a whole sketchbook to investigate a kind of mark or a particular drawing substance or impliment.
I keep a number of single sheet blank books folded so that I can always grab one and start drawing. I took one off the shelf a day or so ago. I had made some marks previously and decided to buff them out.
It was great to draw with these metallic inks. Each layer blocks out the previous. Density and pattern revealed by the overlays. This is the current state of the book. It may be finished. I'll know the next time I look.
I'm working on a commission that is based on my soundings drawings. The new form factor of mounted paper on cradle boards required a different set up. For many drawings I may draw on the wall. For ink drawings I usually draw on a flat surface. I have to reach across a distance and an incline can usually help. Using dip pens or droppers means the positioning of the pen holds the ink in place.
Magnets and vinyl washers with monofilament. That's the way I expect to hang my drawings in being in the woods. This afternoon over lunch I sketched the possibilities for hanging drawings in my upcoming show.
There are many issues to consider. Keeping the drawing taut, keeping the method for hanging as invisable as possible and maintaining an immovable space. Time to make some prototypes to test results. I happen to have all the components to build a test installation in my studio. Fabrication time.
In June I will be showing my work with Brain David Dennis. This week we met for the second time to plot out our show at ARTSPACE1241. Our exhibition will be a conversation with my two dimensional work ( drawings on Yupo synthetic paper ) and his three dimensional work. The first site drawing was made in our planning meeting. We discussed lighting, installation, and viewer experience.
Started a new series of green drawings this week. Trying to feel out some marks and rhythms. This is just the begining with four drawings on my work table. I'm choosing a set vocabulary. But tomorrow I put them aside to begin work on drawings for my show with Brian Dennis in June.