naming new drawings
I've been working on some very active drawings this summer. These four red squares are crying out for names. I haven't discovered them yet. I thought if I put them at my blog I could look at them more and think about names. I also told folks that I would post the drawings when they were finished. So here we go.
studio : february 2010
The snows have been keeping me from the studio. But I'm going no matter what end of this week. This is a detail of one of the drawings waiting for me. And there are several others just aching to get out.The paper is already torn and ready to go.
This is a smaller series on Rives BFK. The surface loves the graphite and hangs on to just enough pastel.
rhythm two

pastel, pencil. graphite, and charcoal on Rives BFK, 30" x 40" | 2008
rhythmic seasons
solo exhibition
Philadelphia, PA
January 2010
rhythm one

pastel, pencil. graphite, and charcoal on Rives BFK, 30" x 40" | 2008
rhythmic seasons
solo exhibition
Philadelphia, PA
January 2010
in the studio : november 2009
Four new works in progress. The first drawings in the new studio. Very close to finished. I needed to step away for a bit. Excited to be productive in the new space.
These are drawings on black paper. They started with a grid and a layer of colored pencil first. Many soft pastel marks. No erasing as usual - just obliteration. Not really sure where the red came from. I think the paper was really calling for the energy.
(I need to fix these links click and see them full size)