
dream state


The studio is cleaned up and I'm back to work experimenting with two new series of drawings. This pic is after my coffee was brewed and I was taking a break after working for about 4 1/2 hours. I'm not exactly sure how I even took this weird little selfy.

No coffee. No key.


Part two of my saturday studio trip.

I arrived at Carpenter Street and came up to the back entrance.

I reached for my carabiner of keys… duh.

I had walked 2.5 miles and no keys.

Moral of this story — coffee first.


musings with a perfect cup


I have the most awesome coffee kit at my studio. A wonderful Cusinart drip pot and grinder. That means making the coffee for when I'm there is as much a pleasure as drinking it.

I captured this shot with my first cup before settling down to do some musing in my studio journal – the private one.

Oh the aroma.


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