In the studio : paper mounted
Got another sheet of paper mounted.
Now to wait for it to dry and then trim.
Then the drawing can begin.
Got another sheet of paper mounted.
Now to wait for it to dry and then trim.
Then the drawing can begin.
All the panels have been gessoed for the second time. Now they will sit and dry thouroughly so I can sand them the next time I'm in the studio. Then I'll wipe them down and mount the watercolor paper. Meanwhile some folding. And I'll be framing a couple of those small drawings on the wall for a small works show.
I've really been unable to make any progress in my studio for the last two months. This is something new for me. It has never happened before. I'm internally motivated and I make lots of work all the time.
I've decided that I need to take some gentle action.
I started making small experimental sketches in my Moleskine. I've also decided to carry a couple more sketchbooks and pens in my art gobag.
Finally back in the studio today.
When I return to the studio after having been away for a number of days in a row my day goes through several creative stages. Gathering supplies, preparing surfaces and then making the first marks of the day.
Today's first marks were an experiment. I used sumi ink and some new plastic droppers.
I'm not sure what will happen next but it was a good start to the day.
Cleaning my studio reveals my addictions. I love using single edged razor blades. I prefer them to scissors or xacto blades; although I do have stocks of both. Everywhere I pick up studio debris I find another straight edged razor blade, aka Gem Blades. It's a danger zone for those who don't know the signs.
I'm crazy about having a sharp one so I'm always opening a fresh blade for fear of creating a tear rather than a clean cut.
Everything in my studio is important to me. Each object holds memories of the work that has been created; they are my art partners. This stool has been in every creative space since 1977. At one time it was a tall stool with a back, but when I stopped working at a drawing table I removed the back. Somewhere along our journey the back didn't travel to the next studio.
I've been making drawings like a mad woman. Here's a look at my studio prior to open studios.
When I started the day this surface was full of stuff. Everything has been put in its place. Progress. Now I can use this counter for trimming some sheets down to size.
Lots of special items pinned to that wall.
You can't trash old doors. No you can't do it even if they are crappy hollow core doors. Just paint them and make them portable work surfaces. One side has a matte clear coat the other awhite painted surface. Now I can expand my horizontal work surfaces and I've added hardware so that I can hang them from pulleys and drop them down for more drawing or display surfaces too.
It's like having a reversable jacket.
Flexibilty rocks.
I have been surviving a studio in disarray.
Now I have put away or given away things that have cluttered my space and my mind. Soon there will be a quiet space in which I can hear the sounds of my next drawing.