Mounting three drawings.
Even without having titles for these three square drawings the mounting has begun. Here's number one using Nori. This is a triptych, mixed media, mostly oil pastel.
Looking forward to have them ready for sale.
Even without having titles for these three square drawings the mounting has begun. Here's number one using Nori. This is a triptych, mixed media, mostly oil pastel.
Looking forward to have them ready for sale.
Playing in the studio with Vine.
I wanted to capture a little bit of studio action today and decided to do it with Vine. Love having such an easy and structured way to make short vids. I'm going to start making a series. Hope to make one a month in the new year. Make it a feature here at my journal.
I'm working on these new collages — they have a voabulary much like my drawings. Enjoy.
I've got a number of drawings started an in progress in the studio right now. This is another.
Starting a new series of drawings with a number of unknown factors. I purchase these rag sheets at my fav location my local Artist + Craftsman shop around the corner. I'm always interested in the results can be when I draw on a tinted or colored sheet. Sometimes I make a field of color with some kind of pigment and fix it, other times I seal the substrate before drawing.
Yesterday I spent a long day in the studio and I revisited a couple of projects and started a new one. This is a drawing I started a bit ago and I wasn't sure where it should go. I began to make more marks and was pretty happy where it was going. But I made a choice which made me come to a screeching halt. I'm not sure if it will be ok or if I trashed the drawing. I'll see next time I head to the studio.
The thing that forced the breaks on is not in the snapshot I posted.
Living with a liquid sky.
It was in the 70's outside but the humidity was so thick I still had to have the air conditioner on. Still a productive day moving projects along.
Lots of progress with work.
Finally some new inks for my printmaking.
My favorite art supply store is now carrying my fav inks. Not only that they are on sale. I just bought this pile including some transparent base. Looking forward to getting into using them as soon as I can get my butt into my studio. Super excited.
Today as I thought about the materials I will pack for my trip north to the mountains, I know my studio wherever it is, is a temple. It has a beauty external and internal. It has a stillness that is sublime. It is a place where there is no time.
I started some new drawings today. The experience of starting this drawing has almost convinced me to look at making this series square. I haven't made any square drawings in a while but it seems where they want to go. It's the repetition. Too much in these rectangles. Now I'm waiting for this one to to dry. I'll continue and see what happens but at the same time I will look at what kind of paper I want to use for the square drawings.
I have many unfinished drawings at this point.
I'm patient. Something isn't right. I'll keep looking at them and they will reveal themselves.
Had to paint this cardboard wall. Just too dark. Also decided I will keep it now until I can afford to build the sliding wall I have designed. So I laid down a layer of primer.
Completed phase one. Next is a layer of flat white. Brightened the studio up considerably. Next is to get a couple of pulleys to fly up some storage and a pegboard divider. Planning on being in the studio tomorrow. I'll move everything out of the way to do some drawings. Paint later in the week.
Sat around with a cuppa joe working on ideas for organizing in the studio. My barn door needs some hardware and I've been working on some ideas to piece together plates and handles for a new better handle. These are some sketches for how to use flanges and plates. I'm measuring the door and doing more drawings. This is the start. I've also been doing some overhead storage. I'm expecting to be able to create a storage space for some framed work too. Right now just measuring and planing.