studio signs at 1241
I was working on my new sign for the studio. I designed the blade format for Steve our landlord. It gives each artist a place to do some decorative arts for their space. The bottom part of the sign has my studio number and I get to do what ever I want to the top part on each side of the blade. I decided that many of my drawings don't read well from a distance but that this new one, a direct result of my drawing-a-day series would work well. I'm hoping that I can have another that will work well for the opposite side.
in the studio : August 2012
One of my favorite pens. It makes amazingly wonderful lines. I love using transparent ink. These are a couple experiments inspired by my #drawingaday project. More and more the #drawingaday project is having impact on my studio work. These are some of my lines in the studio last week. The glide of ink on the synthetic paper was fabulous and I'm looking to use ink for my 18 lines series. Memory landscapes.
drawing a day 05222012
Loving making blunt marks. They are like using a metal brush or a carpenters pencil. I'm looking at how these could be combined in some of the drawings I'm experimenting with now.
I have always made these marks with pastels and graphite. Now I'm looking to make them with ink. The thing is making a tool so that the marks don't deteriorate too much. I have always loved the deterioration in my other drawings but I'm trying some marks that can stay true in these new pieces.
In the Studio : Drawing-a-day begins to influence my studio work.
An hour of confusion.
In the studio : a new vantage point.
In the studio : July 2010, drawing
Prepping the surface of a sheet of Yupo. Not knowing where this is going — the heat helps sorta. The first surface application dries so quickly that a second application tears away some of the previous application. This is how it starts. The unexpected already. Conditions are taking control of my art-making.
In the Studio : July 2012
in the studio : June 2012
Last week I finally got back into the studio. I wasn't feeling like I would be productive but, something happened and I began experimenting with a new drawing that in a relative of the sounding series. I'm not sure this is the language for the whole series but I have found some new interactions that need more investigation. I only made one drawing. It took me more than 8 hours. Will I make more or make something different? Not sure yet.
The first draw of white matte undercoat.
I used a plastic putty knife to drag a thin layer a skin of sorts in a long stripe. The sheet is Yupo. That means anything applied to the surface must air dry. That can take a considerable amount of time. I was pleased with the variation of the white paint. The translucency is perfect for the metaphor of sounding.