Folding RiTUAL

I've been folding lots of paper into books for the upcoming RiTUAL Reading Room show. I've been pulling out found papers and papers I've saved. This will keep me open to possibities. I'm looking through drawers in my studio and pulling out sheets.

I have many ritials and I can make the actual act of making the books a ritual. Excited to investigate and think about by rituals. By thinking about my acts everyday and the act of making working I discover more of my personal rituals.

Folding for RiTUAL Reading Room

I've gotten serious about doing folding for RiTUAL. Reading Room. Last week and this week I'm folding several sheets and will begin drawing and marking them this week.

I'm also making some work on unfolded sheets which I will fold after the drawing is made.

The revealing of what the marks will do when they are reassembled as a folded book intrigues me.


time time time – single-sheet book

It all began with 303 606 1010.

Time time time is about the ritual of checking the time of day. You look at your watch or your phone and see the time. Someone asks you what time it is you have to look again. You looked but didn't remember. You look again.

I started noticing when there was a pattern in the numbers. Repetition. I saw it with the first three times I checked… 303 606 1010. 

This book contains the times I noted each time I looked at my iPhone over a period of time.

Sightless rhythm on a single sheet


This was one of the books I was trying to get ready for the show at 110 CHURCH. Most of my work is a ritual. Rhythmic mark-making made in the silence of my studio. I can hear the rhythm of my drawings as I make them. The strike of a pencil, pen, charcoal or other medium makes a distinct sound and so drives the next mark. 

With this book I decided to experience drawing without looking. I made each mark by dragging my hand a percieved distance and then pierced the paper with an awl. I did this point by point, row by row, column by column.

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