
A series of one.

In the studio tuesday I continued work on my lone wolf.

I custom mixed the green and began to make tonal marks in a path around the perimeter of the sheet. I added a layer of marks, white caisen paint tapped on like a stamp. It is one of the marks I have added to my vocabulary for these larger drawings.

I mixed a transparent yellow ink and sliced the vertical space with three stripes. This is where I am right now. It's hanging waiting for me to return.

In the studio: series of nine : blue and yellow

The last group in my series of nine.

I still haven't really had a chance to look at these dry yet. So I don't really know what the look like. But I do know that in my brain when I look at them from across the room I think they are green. That is the interesting aspect of each of the three sets that I have made. Each set is two colors but the in two sets the color that is dominant is a combination of the two colors. In the red and blue set the end result was not.

In the Studio : August, One set away

I returned to my studio after a full day to see the red and yellow drawings now that they were dry. I couldn't even make my coffee I had to look at them.

There is a profound difference when the ink dries — the result of the absorbtion. I'm pleasantly surprised. The marks are quite commanding with their little ripples and an occassional bubble. The transperency additive makes the brayer want to slide across the paper — the speed makes a different kind of visual texture and challenges my control to make the mark.

In the Studio : late July

I've got a number of drawings started an in progress in the studio right now. This is another.

Starting a new series of drawings with a number of unknown factors. I purchase these rag sheets at my fav location my local Artist + Craftsman shop around the corner. I'm always interested in the results can be when I draw on a tinted or colored sheet. Sometimes I make a field of color with some kind of pigment and fix it, other times I seal the substrate before drawing.

back into the unfinished work : july

Yesterday I spent a long day in the studio and I revisited a couple of projects and started a new one. This is a drawing I started a bit ago and I wasn't sure where it should go. I began to make more marks and was pretty happy where it was going. But I made a choice which made me come to a screeching halt. I'm not sure if it will be ok or if I trashed the drawing. I'll see next time I head to the studio.

The thing that forced the breaks on is not in the snapshot I posted.

Art Supply run.

Finally some new inks for my printmaking.

My favorite art supply store is now carrying my fav inks. Not only that they are on sale. I just bought this pile including some transparent base. Looking forward to getting into using them as soon as I can get my butt into my studio. Super excited. 

Four days : plein air

Thrilled to have four days of plein air drawing. So happy to have a place protected from the rain, just in case. We've had so much of it lately. Now, to make some drawings.

The basic kit includes:
- Fabriano Journal
- Rotring Sketch Pen
- Caran d’Ache Aquarelle
- Koi Water Brushes
and of course a few graphite pencils

The river project

I haven't been in my studio in two weeks. Busy with the jobs. I have been drawing the whole time and now I'm working on a new project. The river project. A can't find the sketchbooks I want for my new project. Leaves one choice. Make my own. Well. maybe with the help of my bud Elena Bouvier. She is my trusted source for all things book. I'm trying to decide what format I would like the drawings to take. Setting up some ground rules for how I will create the drawings and then how the project will be as a whole. 


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