
drawing-a-day 01152012

I guess the last few days have built up to a more is more drawing.

I enjoyed making the many layers of this image. Using more of the technique that i use in my non digital drawings — many layers using each to obliterate or obscure the layer below. Letting marks peek out between the spaces.


[artlog] 15 of 365

drawing-a-day 01142012

Another set of brushes and a refinement of the color palette.

I used some new patterns to create a new marks from familiar gestures.

I found these marks to be different than I had anticipated. They created different patterns with each small change. This was really good fun and didn't happen quite as fast as the final drawing appears.


drawing-a-day 01122012

Using some of the same marks that I have added to my toolkit.

I've also started creating my own color palette. Moving beyond the default swatches. Moving to a set of colors that I can use for a whole series of images before needing to change.



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