drawing a day 02042012
drawing a day 02032012
drawing a day 02022012
This time I actually used a paint fill after I had drawn some pencil marks. That created some surprising white areas. I decided to keep them and make a couple additional graphite-like marks.
I'm thinking of exploring these more in the iPhone drawings but at the same time I'm looking for ways I could create these kind of artifacts in my analog drawings.
It's also good to just leave the drawing alone.
drawing a day 02012012
Another horizontal effort.
I try to get back in that direction now and again during these experiments. Really wanted to scribble again in this drawing. I really like how it almost feels like I'm working with graphite. Sort of smudgy.
I like to draw this sort of coil form. I could draw them over and over until I tear a hole in the paper.
drawing a day 01312012
drawing a day 01301012
drawing a day 01292012
drawing a day 01282012
drawing a day 01262012.