
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 16:44

Getting ready for Open Studios is always a challenge. Stopping what I'm working on and pulling out work to display for visitors. Oh and generally cleaning and removing things I don't want anyone to touch of see. This year I had a whole bunch of construction material stacked up waiting for me to get arround to sealing the top part of my studio to the outside world.

Finally just to get the materials out of the way we've started the wall. It will be finished before POST.

delicate balance
POSTED ON Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 21:58

A drawing just happened the other day. Yes just happened. I wasn't sure what I was going to make but my first decision to work with watercolor paper started a cascade.

For the first time in ages I cut a sheet of watercolor paper, dampened it, and taped it down. Laying down color happened immediately. I used markers filled with acrylic in and then let everything dry. I dampeded the paper again and added a wash. I waited for it to dry. 

new green on watercolor paper
POSTED ON Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - 00:30

Two new pieces drying.

Today in the studio I'm working on my two new orange pieces. It's good to be working on paper again. Working with two pieces that will converse with each other. It's already started.

Im very pleased with the tonal aspects ofboth panels. The solid orange is like velvet.

orange panels in progress
POSTED ON Monday, September 22, 2014 - 18:06

Experimentsing with cradleboards. I've always like the finish and I like working in pairs. This is sanding them down to accept paper or gesso. It will take a couple passes to make them just smooth enough. I'm mounting paper on one and gessoing the other.

in the studio stella untalan working on cradle boards
POSTED ON Thursday, September 18, 2014 - 19:15
I'm happy to announce that three of my soundings drawings have been selected for inclusion in Creative Tension, a juried exhibition. Creative Tension is an open media exhibition and this year’s juror is Maiza Hixson, Gretchen Hupfel Curator of Contemporary Art and Acting Associate Director for Programs at the Delaware Center for Contemporary Art in Wilmington. Exhibition October 5 – December 7
Soundings drawings
POSTED ON Saturday, September 13, 2014 - 19:59

Yep, doing Philadelphia Open studios again this year.

Hope you mark your calendar. This year my weekend is October 25 and 26. Studios are open from noon to 6 pm.

There will be lots going on in the building so save the date.

1241 Carpenter Street : Third Floor

Ad for stella untalan Open Studio for POST2014
POSTED ON Monday, September 8, 2014 - 19:52

Today I packed up my sketchbook, pens, and colored pencils to draw at the shore. There was a strong wind off the ocean all day. The sky and ocean were so dramatic. I only made one drawing but took about a dozen of so photographs. I was much more interested being in the moment instead of drawing — I absorbed every ounce of the moment that I could.

New Jersey coast.
POSTED ON Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 17:45

I've lost track of what day it is in the studio. I just know today is the last of the marathon.

I've gotten my groove back and I have three projects going on simultaneously. It's always good when I have several series in the works. One will take off and take over. But until then I explore the possibilities and one project feeds the other.

These are the drawings that have my attention right now.

I'm caught up in their rhythm and their heat.

orange is the current color drawings by Stella Untalan, Art, Philadelphia
POSTED ON Sunday, August 24, 2014 - 21:19

I've been in a place where yellow art is taking up all the space in my head and my studio. I went through the flat files to see these yesterday. I've wanted to move these drawings forward but haven't found what exactly would help that happen.

I now have them out so I can stare them down a bit.

yellow duo drawings by stella untalan
POSTED ON Sunday, August 24, 2014 - 15:08

Sometimes for a break I sit in that white chair on the fire escape. Exterior fire escapes are so much friendlier than modern enclosed stairwells. 

little white chair
