
POSTED ON Sunday, November 3, 2019 - 10:56
4x4 2019, is the result of a drawing-a-day project — making at least one drawing each day. This project involved the use of four-inch squares of paper of various weights, colors, and surfaces. I found that many small pieces could be cut out of remnants of paper in my studio.
Stella Untalan drawings 4x4 details, a sampler
POSTED ON Saturday, October 26, 2019 - 22:09

Divided but not Equal And Almost Random.  Ink and pencil on Black Fabriano. My 4x4.2019 project. It’s impossible to make repetitive marks without the revealing of pattern and density.  

My 4x4.2019 project. Another 4x4 inch drawing. The project is coming to a close. Only a few more weeks ahead. These are a couple drawings that feel like a pair.

Stella Untalan drawing
POSTED ON Saturday, October 26, 2019 - 11:41

Having that morning cup with a number of new drawings completed in the 2019 project.

Reviewing the work completed and working on getting finished drawings signed and put in little stacks in bags. This project surprises me each tim I group the drawings into stacks and put them in my small drawing flat files. 

I love these year long projects and I find that mking these small drawings is waking up old ideas and instigating new ones. Tomorrow will involve tearing more sheets.

Coffee and drawings by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 22, 2019 - 10:05

This morning I pulled an espresso made a cappacino, walked to my worktable and surveyed what was on the surface. I do this in a similar way each time I arrive at my studio. It important to take in everything that this quite sacred space reveals. The color of the light, the work on the walls completed and in progress.

I took a snapshot of color tests lying on my worktable that are informing my new series of ALLSORTS.

color tests for allsorts by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Thursday, October 17, 2019 - 10:49

I had a wonderful reaction to a selection of 4x4 drawings that I'll be showing in February. 

I'm making at least one drawing a day until the end of January, I hope you will join me for the February Show and Sale.

4x4 show preview
POSTED ON Monday, October 7, 2019 - 10:56

More than fifty thousand marks were made for this drawing. Finally got a full video together to document my drawing that I made back in 2014. I have it rolled up and waiting to be seen again. It's available to go live somewhere more permanent. Any takers or suggestions? It's drawn on heavyweight drafting film and I've installed it in numerous places using magnets. No framing necessary.

I took the process pics and propped up my iPhone for the video. Still exhibition images are by Elena Bouvier done with available light. Sound is by Lesley Tao Mowat. 

soundings fifteen seven by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Sunday, October 6, 2019 - 13:20

I've overlapped the making of my 4x4 drawings with Inktober. When I can I'm following the prompts. However, my drawings are always driven by the materials So sometimes the prompt isn't addressed.

its good to have another driver for making the drawings. Making at least one drawing a day can be difficult at times. It's also good to see what other folks are making for the month. There are so many folks making drawings. 

This is one of my metallic ink drawings that doesn't seem to fit the prompt "building".

Drawing with a steel brush by Stella UNtalan
POSTED ON Friday, October 4, 2019 - 21:15

Last week I got the files documenting a commission that I did a while back. It's a pretty emotional thing for me to see this drawing that I made for a friend who was very ill at the time.

I had to fight through mine and make this for her. I wanted her to have every minute with it she could if things were to worsen. I hoped it would give her joy and calm on dffecult days.

By the Sea a large commissioned drawing by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Sunday, September 22, 2019 - 13:44

I have been back in the city for two weeks. I'm holding on to the time that I spent in the mountains and deep woods of the Adirondack Park. Autumn had begun to assert itself.

In this photo are a few finds that inspire me and make my breathing slower and easier. Seeing these bring back the smell of pines, the ripple of the lake, and the scurry of critters.

I'm working on a series of drawings that are based on these moments. Looking forward to sharing with you.

Several leaves from trees in the Adirondack mountains.
POSTED ON Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 09:58

I've signed and labeled the artwork. Now I'll wrap them up for delivery to art consultant Susanna Gold for hanging. Time to get out the packing materials.

Elements has been acquired for Temple University’s Fox School of Business at 1810 Liacouras Walk in Philadelphia The work in this collection are a generous gift of alumnus, and philanthropist Dennis Alter.
