
POSTED ON Sunday, July 27, 2008 - 11:13

I worked lots of hours yesterday on the new website. The work that is most difficult is the decisions I have to make as an artist about how I want my work seen -- in what context. Do I want these images grouped together even though the chronology would place them near eachother? How many galleries of images do I want to show? Naming, oh my naming. Each series creates an onion skin layering of titles. How do I want that to work?

How many new photos do I need?
Am I putting a photo of me with the bio?

Geeze. Now I'm really glad we're making

POSTED ON Saturday, July 26, 2008 - 20:15

Ok, lots is going on behind the scenes. I'm moving my art site into the heavybubble framework. I look forward to letting everybody take a look at my work in the new space.

Heavy bubble is a service that Stellarvisions has been working on for several months. Artists will be able to create and maintain their own websites. We will be building numerous designs that are perfect for the presentation of work in a professional setting.

The thing is I do need some work photographed.
Oh well, its always that way.

POSTED ON Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 16:36


This is what it looks like this week in Philadelphia. My studio is on the second floor of a building without air conditioning. So I've moved lots of my drawing supplies to my office downtown. I'll be working on smaller drawings while I wait for the heat to break. I'm just afraid that won't be until September.

POSTED ON Sunday, July 13, 2008 - 12:42

new large work

Trying to figure out the best way to inexpensively frame these new larger pieces. I never want to confine the marks, This is one in a series.

POSTED ON Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - 12:09

Working on a series of new drawings. These are the some of the objects that are defining the landscape. I'm drawing at home and downtown lately because the art studio is inhospitable. I can get alot more work done when I don;t drip sweat on the paper.

I'm hoping to have a dozen drawings completed by end of next week. They are coming along well. They use the cosmic strings approach.

POSTED ON Monday, July 7, 2008 - 21:17

My first day in the studio in weeks. I spent most of the time just cleaning up the dirt that covers the place when the BIG fans go on. The fans ran all day while I was there. I cleaned, organized some work.

I unwrapped some framed pieces that had come back from the All About Trees show; looking for where they could reside next. I drank so much water one would think I would float away. I have a thermometer to check the temp so I don't become oblivious and forget to hydrate.

POSTED ON Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 08:51


As you may have noticed there was a flurry if activity at the end of May. But June has been too HOT to work. I have tried to be in my studio. I just can't do it. Last weekend I went in to show some work to another artist and you just couldn't be in the space. It was 80 degrees inside at 8 am and I'm on the second floor.

Don't be fooled by the lows... that's with 80 percent humidity.

I just can't work in that heat. I sweat on the paper. Ick. And the humidity curls everything up.

POSTED ON Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 13:03

me and my buds

carano gallery
building 32 : 3510 Scotts Lane

Saturday & Sunday
11 am - 5pm

Friday, JUNE 13th
5-7 pm

POSTED ON Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 19:05

Join me at the reception if you can make it. It will be a party!

my buds

Arielle Azeez
Damini Celebre
Stella Gassaway
Jesse Harrington
Kate Kaman
Pam Taggart
Carol Wisker

opening reception
June 1 : 2-5 pm

POSTED ON Thursday, May 1, 2008 - 17:58

pastel drawing
