
POSTED ON Sunday, November 9, 2014 - 12:25

I appreciate the method, I appreciate the minimalism, the work you put into handcrafting these pieces. But what I like the most is the topology that arises when you "stand back" a little, as shown in this photo. The differences in value that occur based on the simple rules you impose create a kind of relief map-- a topology of a process, that has its own beauty. Very nice work.

@et_in_arcadia, on ello


It's always wonderful when someone gets my work.

frame fitting art
POSTED ON Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 22:39

It started with this song.

POSTED ON Friday, October 31, 2014 - 10:45

New work 12 x 12.

I've started making marks on the orange surfaces I've made in the past few weeks. This is the first larger one which is watercolor paper mounted on a cradle board.It was an effort to cover the area with my two stroke eliptical forms. Next I will fill the open spaces.

I've posted two images one from a normal distance, the other a detail.

Can't wait to get back into the studio to add the next layer.

new orange drawings maybe for Heron Studios [detail]
POSTED ON Friday, October 31, 2014 - 08:50

Here's a look at the tools I'm using to make my walnut drawings.

This view gives you an idea of how the whole nature of the process of drawing informs what the work will be in the final state. The process is the drawing. This has been the case with all the drawings I have been making in 2014. No emotion, no memories, no composition. No consideration for anything but making the marks. No standing away from the drawing and assessing it.

The process makes its own demands

the ink pot
POSTED ON Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 16:22

I've been making these very small drawings with walnut ink. They feel old, they feel like small twigs in the woods, they are cryptic.

I determined some criteria for making them based on the ink. The ink is in a very small pot. It is handmade and has a handwritten label on the lid. All of these details ask one to slow down and appreciate the moment of placing a sheet of paper on a drawing surface, opening the ink pot slowly. and dipping the pen.

Each dip and mark are their own voice.

walnut ink drawings one
POSTED ON Monday, October 27, 2014 - 21:55

This past weekend was Philadelphia Open Studio Tours. I'm recovering from two long days talking with people about my work in the studio. I rarely got a chance to sit down. This is a shot of my work table that day. The new pieces are orange and in the foreground. I am hoping to have them ready for a holiday show and sale that I have been invited to participate. In the background all six of my pencil drawings are now in private collections. Really thrilled.

old and new
POSTED ON Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 19:40

Friday, November 14  /  6 – 9 pm

First weekend
Saturday, November 15 + Sunday, November. 16  / 11 – 5 pm.

Second weekend
Saturday, Nov. 22 and Sunday, Nov. 23 / 11 – 5 pm

new green drawings for Heron Studios
POSTED ON Friday, October 17, 2014 - 22:33

Two of my new series of drawings. Starting number three. I'm cutting new sheets of paper today. Hopefully I will be able to start one or two. It takes some waiting since some marks are made while the paper is wet.

I trimmed another strip of paper and will stretch new pieces for Sunday/

green two in the series
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 17:00

I've been making drawings like a mad woman. Here's a look at my studio prior to open studios.

In the studio : drawing drawing drawing
POSTED ON Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - 16:44

Getting ready for Open Studios is always a challenge. Stopping what I'm working on and pulling out work to display for visitors. Oh and generally cleaning and removing things I don't want anyone to touch of see. This year I had a whole bunch of construction material stacked up waiting for me to get arround to sealing the top part of my studio to the outside world.

Finally just to get the materials out of the way we've started the wall. It will be finished before POST.

delicate balance
