
POSTED ON Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 11:53

I'm getting the packages ready for my Vox Box and and Whole Ball of Wax patrons. Each will receive a copy of this art conspiracy between poet David Zimmer and myself. David was inspired to write a poem in response to each of eight drawings I created for my Foldable Dispatches project, a set of limited edition small artists books/zines.

These are an example of the original works that I offer my patrons.

8 drawings 8 poems Stella Untalan David Zimmer
POSTED ON Saturday, July 17, 2021 - 13:55

Rondo number one, aka Berry Sitting on the worktable waiting for hanging hardware. The first of the new Rondos.

To follow my studio practice and see work in progress follow me on Patreon. Become a patron and get in depth and behind the scenes thoughts, photos, and video.

Check out my public posts to get a feel for what I’m doing.

Posts are delivered email. You can comment by logging in.

Allsorts Rondo number one Berry by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Thursday, July 15, 2021 - 15:31
I made this drawing a while back and rediscovered this week. I'm experimenting with this limited palette and basically making small drawings that will lead to larger drawings.
I'll be posting more images and thoughts for patrons only.
Horizontal blue and yellow fields and marks by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Monday, June 28, 2021 - 12:29
On my ello profile, a social network, I share some of my work. I love it because you can present your image as you intended and viewers can see it LARGE.
Eight black and white drawings for Mapping the Terrain by Stella Untalan
POSTED ON Friday, June 25, 2021 - 09:49

I'm happy to share this short video that gives you an idea of what my Foldable Dispatches books look like after they are printed, folded, and cut. This video is of the third book in the collection. Egyptian Waters. These books are very simple for you to make once you download them. I even have a video to show you how.


Become a patron and download and make your own.

Egyptian waters book for Patreon
POSTED ON Sunday, June 6, 2021 - 14:19

My latest acquisition. A mall pit fired ceramic sculpture by Philadelphia Artist Marguerita Hagan. From her Rongorongos. This is the smallest of the series it is about 5 inches tall.

The Rongorongo shout out a once diverse and abundant life on the Pacific Island. The thriving Rapanui culture and its lush landscape fell to devastating deforestation. With restoration at work today, the island of Rapanui in all of its mystery leaves a clear and profound message.

Rongorongo by Marguerita Hagan
POSTED ON Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 14:49

I’m excited to announce my year-long project for 2021 — a small single-sheet artist book/zine collection. This collection will be available to all patrons including the $3/month Studio Journal level. It’s like buying me a cup of coffee each month.

Inspired by numerous single sheet artist's books out in the universe, I have decided to make works that can be digitally shared with my patrons and collectors. I will be creating at least one single-sheet art book each month.

zines, artists books, bookarts, patron, stellauntalan, folded dispatches, mapping the terrain
POSTED ON Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 14:37
I'm happy to share this short video that gives you an idea of what my Foldable Dispatches books look like after they are printed, folded, and cut.
POSTED ON Sunday, April 4, 2021 - 15:52

Yeah. An unexpected expense. Microwave died. Here’s my new studio companion reflecting the reorganization of my storage area. Durable goods seem to be back in inventory although not at normal levels. That's ok stay safe everyone.

Let’s heat something up!

That American Rescue plan check came in handy.


Reflected in the microwave
POSTED ON Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - 15:19
It's the last days of January and my first book in my year long project is almost ready to make available to all my patrons.
This book has a flip side poster view. You can print it on the back of the printed pages or as an art poster for this project. It's up to you.
Folded Dispatches, Digital Ink Book Layout for printing
