art studio

090909 starting to look like a studio

Finally art is making its way onto the drawing walls! Five small drawings that I started work on and I have a sixth. They like the new space. In the right corner of the shot is Bramble Ramble recently show at 3rd Street Gallery.

I'm finding drawing supplies that will go with me on the trip to the woods. Now I can actually find my stuff. I expect to be ready for Open Studios. (A new post on that soon.) It's starting to feel and look like my studio. I'll be away for a bit. No new posts until I return from the cell and technology free zone.

studio : September

Working madly to get my studio ready for POSt (Philadelphia Open Studio Tours). This is crazy since it's a whole new studio. I've been planning, painting, constructing for weeks. Finally. I have a rough and workable plan for the entrance to the space. I'll be reusing two doors from the old design studio.


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